“Fugitive Songs” is presented by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc., a Concord Theatrical Company. “Fugitive Songs” was originally produced in New York City by Dreamlight Theatre Company.
Audience Advisory: This production includes adult language and content and may not be suitable for all audiences.
Director’s Notes
Creating art during this past year has been the most trying of times, but also, and surprisingly, the most precious. Having the opportunity to collaborate, devise and direct the ship at Fugitive Songs with these young and talented artists has been a remarkable elixir for all that has been ailing us. First and foremost, as I am ever fascinated by the ways that dance and movement can intermingle in new and exciting ways within theatre pieces, I am so grateful the cast was willing to explore this. Their commitment to the movement has never waned. In addition, it was an early goal of mine to pay homage to the hearing impaired. Throughout this pandemic not being able to read lips and see faces has created a host of issues for us all but for some, it has been a particular and consistent hardship. I wanted to acknowledge this by rooting all of the movement in sign language as a celebration of body language. We are, after all, bodies who need to communicate and always have a lot to say. Fugitive Songs is about yearning, longing, and reaching for that next phase of our lives. Wanting to escape where we are and be somewhere else. Even though this focus on the future goes against my Buddhist nature, never has there been a better time to dream of escaping our present.
Special Thanks
Chris Miller, Nathan Tysen, Julio Matos, Rick Earl, and the UWM Peck School of the Arts MFA Program
Gavin | Matt Seib |
Alysha | Sarah Liddy |
Todd | Nathan Keffer |
Halle | Hannah Ellowitz |
Matt | Weston LeCrone |
Sofia | Hannah Kevitt |
DB | Eddie Falshaw |
Annie | Kelly Belarmino |
Joshua | Daniel Brackett |
Barrett | Daniela Rodrigo |
Ben | Daniel Rabinowitz |
Rachel | Meredith Fox |
U/S Gavin, DB, Joshua | Brendan Coulter |
U/S Alysha, Halle, Barrett | Kayla Jacobs |
U/S Todd, Matt, Ben | Willem Butler |
U/S Sofia, Annie, Rachel | Anna Hertel |
Creative Team
Director/ Choreographer | Deb Leamy |
Asst. Director/ Choreographer | Jaron Cole |
Asst. Director/ Choreographer | Sujaya Sunkara |
Music Director | John McCarty |
Rehearsal Accompanist | Haidee Dollak |
Dramaturg | Lake Sims-Winfrey |
Scenic Designer | Eric Kanzinger |
Scenic Design Mentor | Natalie Taylor Hart |
Costume Designer | Caitlin Duncan |
Asst. Costume Designer | Jack Smith |
Sound Designer | Mike Smith |
Audio Mixer | Dan Gibson |
Asst. Sound Mixer | Taylor Mitchell |
Lighting Designer | Alicia Varcoe |
Guitar Captain | Brendan Coulter |
Production Team
Stage Manager | Grace Granger |
Technical Director | JP Mullican |
Asst. Stage Manager | Jessica Valente |
Asst. Stage Manager | Carli Shapiro |
Production Manager | Bill Webb |
Props Manager | Anna Thomson |
Sound Advisor | Dan Gibson |
Light Board Op | Allyson Vogel |
Followspot Op | Jonathan Jenson |
Sound Board Op | Mike Smith |
Videographer/ Editor | Jordan Young |
Videographer | Caleb Martin |
Video Advisor | J McMerty |
Musical Numbers
Reasons to Run……….Full Cast
Getting There……….Gavin
Annie’s Party……….Annie
Growing Up……….Ben
Don’t Say Me……….Alysha with Rachel, Sofia, Barrett, DB, Ben, Matt
Town Goes Boom……….Joshua
Lullaby……….Rachel, DB, Sofia (Direction/Choreography by Sujaya Sunkara and Jaron Cole)
Wilson……….Matt, Halle, Barrett, with Daniel Brackett, Whistle duet: Nathan Keffer & Eddie Falshaw
Break a Branch……….Rachel with Annie, Sofia, and Full Cast. Additional Guitar: Meredith Fox
Spring Cleaning……….Halle
Kansas Highway Sky……….Todd, Ben, DB, with Matt, Gavin, Joshua
Passing Tracy……….Todd. Additional Guitar: Nathan Keffer
Subway Song……….Matt with Todd, Ben, DB, Gavin, Joshua
Poor Little Patty……….Barrett, Alysha
Shine……….Joshua with Full Cast
Wildflowers……….Gavin, Sofia
I Could Go Back……….Alysha with Full Cast plus Understudies
One Of These Nights……….Full Cast
The Band
Piano: Haidee Dollak
Violin: Richard Dunn II
Electric Guitar: Mark Mazzatenta
Acoustic Guitar: Allan Beck
Electric and Upright Bass: Rebecca Marland
Drums/Percussion: Steve McHugh
[ctshowcase id=”1906″ title=”Fugitive Songs”]