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Dancing in the Landscape 2020

Dancing in the Landscape poster, Film Premiere Date: Oct. 23 at 7 pm

Director’s Note

In years past, Dancing in the Landscape was performed in various locations around our beautiful campus, allowing audience members to travel to each site to view these works. This year, we have re- conceptualized the format of this production in light of Covid-19 and have captured the pieces on film. At first, the challenges we faced as a team seemed daunting. Not only did we have to re-envision our choreography for film, but we had to grapple with dancers going into quarantine in addition to conducting socially distanced rehearsals (no small feat for an arts medium based on physical connection). At the same time, these challenges opened many new doors for us. We had the good fortune to work with Professor J McMerty in the School of Communications, who helped us to create works beyond what we previously imagined. As a result, we have been able to stay true to the mission of Dancing in the Landscape, which is to create innovative pieces in non-traditional spaces. These limitations provided the choreographers and performers with the opportunity to develop a sense of flexibility and inventive strategizing, which will undoubtedly serve all of us in our future endeavors. As a result, the pieces in this production showcase original, creative, and powerful works of art. This year’s production features pieces from four talented student choreographers: Arianna Shahin, Mackenzie Holub, Hannah West, and Sarah DeSordi. Each of their chorographic works demonstrates unique, thoughtful engagements with nature and the architecture around campus. From these pieces, there emerges a sense of joy, collaboration, hopefulness, and resiliency. The show also highlights the brilliant works of Professors Jiwon Ha, Alexandra Joye Warren, and Amy Beasley. Thank you so much for tuning in. We hope you enjoy this performance.

Casey Avaunt

Special Thanks

Lauren Kearns, Jen Guy Metcalf, Renay Aumiller, David McGraw, Will Roberson, J. McMerty, Tony Spielberg, Kimberly Rippy, Lauren Jacobbe


Root Systems

Choreographer: Amy Beasley in collaboration with the dancers

Music Credit: “KS” by Michael Wall


Choreographer: Casey Avaunt in collaboration with the dancers

Music Credit: “Eden Kaput” by Circus Marcus

Perceiving is Behaving

Choreographer: Mackenzie Holub

Music Credit: Crowd Talking (Youtube Audio Library), Nature Bird Sounds (BurghRecords)

Fathomless Lives

Choreographer: Arianna Shahin

Music Credit: “38 Clock Gears” by Michael Wall (edited by Arianna Shahin)


Choreographer: Casey Avaunt in collaboration with the dancers

Music Credit: “Arch City”

Just Because

Choreographer: Hannah West

Miss Education

Choreographer: Alexandra Joye Warren in collaboration with the dancers

Music Credit: “Body Transformation” by Nicholas Rich

Chukje (축제)

Choreographer: Jiwon Ha

Music Credit: “I Go” by Justin Eberhart

Milk’s Favorite Cookie

Choreographer: Sarah DeSordi

Music Credit: “Colours” by Hannah Hooper, Sean Gadd, Rabin, Ryan and Christian Tyler

Film Crew

Jasmine Simmons

Jordan Young

Connor Thomas

Baldwin Sappenfield

JD Grant

Mallory Siegenthaler
